Owners & Operators
Newpark International UK Ltd & Newpark Resources Inc
Instructed By: Ince & Co LLP
Undertake a site visit and prepare a phase 1 environmental report.

Harding Cargo Handling Ltd
Prepare a site condition report for the areas around the docks that were to be used for storage and handing of waste.

Local Authorities
Royal Borough of Greenwich
Instructed by: Russell + May Associates
GO Contaminated Land Solutions were asked to complete a ground and hydrological condition report to assess the potential impact of the proposed basement development.
Housing Associations
East End Homes
Provide advice on an area within a residential estate that was proposed for use as a community allotment.
Wandle Housing Association
To investigate the soil in the gardens on an estate following complaints from residents of poor plant growth and adverse impacts on the health of pets.

Sanctuary Group (London & SE)
We were tasked with completing phase 1 desktop studies for 19 sites throughout Haringey.
Instructed by: db Architects

R Durtnell & Sons Ltd
Our commitment was to provide Phase 1 Environmental Report and Phase 2 Geo-Environmental investigation.

Allenbuild Ltd
Complete a Phase 2: Geo-Environmental Investigation, Phase 3: Remediation Strategy and Phase 4: Verification Report

Allenbuild Ltd
The Brief:
Provide our client with a Phase 4: Verification Report in order to demonstrate that remediation measures have been completed.

Allenbuild Ltd
We were instructed to complete a phase 2 intrusive investigation and develop a sampling strategy and in due course undertake verification.

Beamridge Ltd
Instructed by: Calford Seaden
A phase 1 environmental report and a phase 2 geo-environmental investigation was undertaken.

Osborne Ltd
Osborne Ltd won the Westminster City Council tender for this project and employed GO Contaminated Land Solutions to conduct additional testing and investigate some unexpected contamination identified on site.

Kingston Landscape Group
We were contacted to give consultancy advice on the suitability of topsoil for proposed Addlestone Town Centre Development after concerns were expressed by a stakeholder.

Blind Veterans UK
We were instructed to design a suitable investigation strategy, visit site and take soil samples and complete a report on the suitability of the site for its proposed use.